Carpet Cleaning Service in Launceston

Top Ark

Deep Cleaning Solution

If you worry about the cleanliness and look of your carpet, you probably vacuum it regularly. Great job on doing that and we encourage you to continue. Vacuuming is a great way to help reduce the daily accumulation of dirt, but you should consider professionally cleaning your carpet at least once a year.

Vacuuming picks up much of the surface dirt but cannot penetrate down to the deeply embedded dirt and grime. As people continue to walk and tread on the carpet, that dirt gets ground down further and deeper, making it harder to extract while damaging the fibres of the carpet. 
When it’s wet from water or soiled from pets, that moisture gets soaked into the carpet like a sponge and can leave an unseen residue and odour.

By utilising our professional deep cleaning solution, we can clean, sanitise and remove odours from your carpet. Our gentle cleaning equipment penetrates deep into the dirt and gently lifts the stains and grime out without damaging your carpet. At the end of our cleaning session, your carpet will be looking like new. By periodically cleaning your carpet, you can extend the life of it and improve the cleanliness of your home and office.

Perfect for Your Space

Deep cleaning your carpet is great for hygiene and to upkeep appearances. Use our services for your annual cleaning at home or your office, general carpet maintenance and end of lease and moving cleans. Whatever your need is, our services will leave your carpet looking like new and extend the life of it.
woman with vacuum

Deep cleaning with no harmful shampoos

Top Ark

Don’t Delay Scheduling

You have probably already thought once this year about deep cleaning your carpet. Don’t delay any longer. Floortech Carpet Cleaning brings you the solution to your carpet cleaning problem by offering high-quality cleaning with competitive and affordable prices. Save time and money by trusting us to do your cleaning.
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